We learned how to use the caption tool on the blog, so now the description will be on the bottom of the pictures.
Tuesday June 25 in Ketchikan, we leave at 7 pm on ferry for Skagway, so we toured downtown Ketchikan for the day.
Cruise Ship in dock downtown Ketchikan, about 3,000 people including crew.
Four different ships arrive daily and in Juneau, Skagway, only one or two in Haines, Seward, Sitka, thousands visiting this state daily |
These cruise ships are huge. Look at me, left on dock in blue jacket, in proportion to the ship. |
Bob wore a red hat on the trip, he told me that when we lost each other in the crowds, I would be able to find him
because of the red hat. Boy, was he right! |
Three dogs touring Ketchikan from car. |
Tall Tale Taxidermy, father and daughter Louie and Diane.
Great Shop! This store had all the stuff I love.
I bought a Buffalo hoof, Devil's Claw bark and a jar of salve, 2 rough turquoise stones, and 2 pieces of coral.
Being in this shop was great, I could feel the energy from all the natural relics. |
Tom Birch and his dog Minnie. We met Tom at the Tongass Trading Co.
He is in shipping and receiving. Lived and worked in the area since high school. |
Fascinating tunnel through mountain, one way traffic. |
Bike displayed in the Masonic Temple. |
The cross walks are amazing. When you just put one foot onto the walk any car coming immediately stops.
I wish this was the law in Wasilla. |
The tourist all have an identification badge hanging around their neck, as a pass to get back onto the ship.
This is a photo of tourists, lined up, getting back onto the cruise ship.
It reminded me of cattle loaded into shutes for shipment. |
Logs used as a little fence, but love the moss grown on them. |
Typical tourist picture. Streets are empty because the cruise ships are leaving, the town looks deserted. |
This picture speaks for itself. |
Bob said, "no way, could we take this bench home on the sidecar"! |
Creek Street
A shopping area along a creek, which is open to the sea and at times you can see different types of sea mammals.
In the 1900 this was a bordello area. Now it has been transformed into shops and restaurants.
On our earlier visit to Ketchikan we saw seals in the creek. |
More shops decorated with old stuff |
The train in this photo travels around the room on a shelf.
Bob and I thought this would be a great way for me to display the old trains I have had in boxes for years.
I just didn't know how to display them. We might try this in our garage-maybe! |
Pipes and faucets connected with water running through a nice display. |
Stopped for lunch at an Irish pub right off Creek Street. It is located in the old historical district.
Most store and restaurants close after the Cruise Ships leave, but many business that are owned by the locals (other shops are owned by the cruise ship companies) will stay open.
It is nice to not have hundreds of people walking around you like, "the night of the living dead". holding their big purses and looking lost. Now don't get me wrong, I don't dislike tourist, there are many we enjoy talking to, but then there are some who look like they hate the trip. Funny! |
Bob buying some pop corn that we will eat on the ferry tonight.
All the towns sell it, we usually by the Chicago style mix which is Cheese corn and Carmal corn mixed.
These corn shop are owned by Garrett's Corn Company which originated in Chicago.
You can smell the corn walking down the street and it really is a dejavu for Bob and I from our Chicago days. |
It's close to 7 pm and we are now in line to load onto the ferry for Skagway.
We will be on the ferry for 1 1/2 nights. |
Bob met Malcolm on the ferry, during the first leg of our trip, Malcolm works for the Marine Hwy.
Malcolm, is a cousin to Mark from Metlakatla, Alaska.
Bob is connected to Mark through ADV rider, a motorcycle forum.
What a small world it really is |
Parking the Raven on the lower car deck of the ferry. |
The Raven settled in for the ride, on the car deck. |
Bob settled in for the ride on the lounge deck. |
Pluged in and writing the blog.
We bring extension cords so we can plug in our phones and computer.
But no wifi. |